Our Mission

In 2017, Our Hearts Are Home (OHAH) began with a mission of reaching out to grieving parents. The first Gathering took place in 2018 and the purpose of the ministry began to unfold.

Today, OHAH provides an opportunity for grieving parents to gather with others who understand the difficult journey of losing a child. Offering hope and challenging each other to walk by faith in the midst of our brokenness, those who come together find comfort, encouragement, and community.

Whether you are navigating the loss of someone dear to you or experiencing another kind of suffering that earthly life can bring, we hope that Our Hearts Are Home will be a blessing to you.

OHAH facilitators are not trained grief counselors but are simply bereaved parents and fellow journeyers who are navigating the difficult path of child loss. Participating in an OHAH event should not be viewed in any way as a substitute for professional counseling.